Glenn Bryan

Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer

With 27 years’ experience at Enrich, Glenn is “Jack of All Trades, Master of Some!” Starting with SYNON development, computer operations, technical sales support, and project management, Glenn has now been the Chief Operating Officer for many years, working hard to steer the company and deliver new solutions, all the while focusing on understanding our customers’ business needs.

Glenn is keenly focused on building strong personal relationships in life, as in business, and has most recently been working with his partner to open an artisan bakery, while staying active with friends at the gym and on the ski hill.

When not in Calgary, you’d look for Glenn visiting friends & family throughout Ontario, but quite often you’d have to look further afield as he is an avid traveller who loves to find new places to explore, experience, and make new friends.

Ron Godfrey

VP & Chief Technology Officer

Ron has been a key player in product development for Enrich Software Corp. for the last 28 years. He has worn many hats during the development of the Enrich product, from being part of its inception to developing the full ERP solution it is today. He has lead the transition of Enrich to other technologies, such as Customer Web Access and our workflow solution, Emconex, and is one of the inventors named on the associated patent.

Ron’s current focus is on the technologies that comprise Enrich Workflow Solutions.

Ron was born and raised in Calgary and, over the years, has hiked and scrambled a number of the nearby mountain trails. Ron holds a Computer Science degree from the U of C.

Jeff Funtasz

VP & Chief Revenue Officer

Jeff is responsible for overseeing Enrich’s business development and sales and marketing strategies, as well as overall revenue growth. Jeff has a passion for technology and has spent the last 25 years working with both large and small businesses to build their sales teams and pipelines.

Since joining Enrich in 2017, Jeff has been focused on developing new partnerships and building out the Enrich Workflow Solutions portfolio.

Outside of the office, he enjoys mountain biking and fly fishing in the Alberta and BC Rockies with his wife and 2 boys.

Cheryl Alter

VP, Client Services

Cheryl has mastered the art of working remotely over the past 17 years, from her home in Salt Lake City, Utah … long before working from home was cool.

As the senior leader responsible for customer engagement, including software implementations, training, and support, she has an incredible depth of knowledge of our customers’ needs and challenges, their industry, and our software solutions. She also has a passion for solving problems, reconciling data, and simplifying processes.

If you ever get Cheryl’s out-of-office reply message, which is rare, she is likely out on the golf course. She also loves practicing her passion for the aerial arts, as a lifelong student and competitor. Cheryl’s academic pursuits have earned her an Accounting degree and the distinction of being an unofficial Vodka enthusiast.

Leesa Walton

Manager, Finance & Administration

Leesa is responsible for managing all of Enrich’s office administration and accounting functions. She has been in the accounting field for 30 years and joined Enrich in 2008.

When not at her computer crunching numbers and creating paperwork, she can be found spending time with her daughter and on her motorcycle.

James Pullman

Manager, Technical Services

James has spent his life on computers and continues to enjoy technology, new and old, today. He has been using Linux for almost 25 years and has used Windows and Mac systems for even longer.

James was fortunate to start working with Enrich immediately after completing his education at SAIT and has been present for the design and development of new technologies since 2004.

“The people here are the best part of the job, and I’m lucky to have made new gaming buddies among my coworkers. As technology changes, it is vital that we understand what we’ve built and how it needs to change over time. Enrich gives me the opportunity to be a part of that change. It is deeply satisfying to work with new technologies that we develop and to participate in problem solving with other team members and our customers.”

Brenda Jensen

Manager, Workflow Solutions

Brenda is a Software Professional with over 25 years’ experience. (Yes! that is half her life working in software!) She is currently working and living in Sandy, Utah.

Brenda loves problem solving, so being a leader of the Workflow Solutions Team is the perfect opportunity for her to engage with Enrich team members and customers alike, to create workflow solutions that streamline existing processes and improve the overall customer experience.

When she isn’t working, Brenda loves spending time with her family: in the garden, shopping with her daughter, watching her son play football, or travelling to see concerts with her husband – these are her favorite times.

Wyatt Olson

Manager, Development

Wyatt is a long-time full stack developer who has been programming for more than 25 years. He has been with Enrich since 2007, and has assisted in multiple roles during that time, both technical and managerial. He works with a wide range of technologies, including Java, SQL, Linux, HTML, CSS, Javascript, etc. He is a great proponent of the KISS principle while programming and tries to keep his designs self-contained and maintainable.

When not at work, Wyatt enjoys spending time in nature, usually hiking or going on bike rides with his family, building guitars and ukuleles in his wood shop, programming 8-bit microcontrollers, contributing to open-source software projects, or sitting down with a good book.